To download the documents, you can click on the download co-provider request button on either the estimate table or the estimate info page. The estimate needs to be completed to create the co-provider estimate request.
Here is where you can find the co-provider estimate request form.
Download Button Locations
After selecting those options, a Co-provide request form will populate for you to fill in the details for the co-provider you are requesting the estimate from.
Co-provider request form
After you complete that form, two documents will download, the cover letter, and the good faith estimate request.
The cover letter is a nice letter asking for them to fill out the request and is generated using the details from the co-provider form.
Cover Letter Example
The good faith estimate request is the part we actually need the co-provider to fill out, as the No Surprises Act requires that a separate estimate is provided for each co-provider providing services on an estimate. Remember, completion of the estimate is crucial to initiate the co-provider estimate request, ensuring compliance with the regulations outlined in the No Surprises Act.
If you have any additional questions about the Co-provider estimate request feel free to chat in or email at
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