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Understanding SuperScore in Rivet
Understanding SuperScore in Rivet

See how your payers compare to each other in areas like reimbursement rates, volume of billed codes, and hassle factors.

Updated over a week ago

SuperScore is a useful tool in Rivet that allows you to compare payers and evaluate their performance. To access SuperScore, you need to go to the Analytics tab, select Payers and then choose SuperScore. The table will show several columns, including SuperScore Percentile, Rates Percentile, Volume Percentage, and Hassle Factor Percentile. Each column indicates how the payers rank based on their performance in the respective categories.

How to Navigate to SuperScore:

From your Rivet home page, select the Contract evaluation tab in the navigation toolbar.

Then select Payers from the list. Finally, select SuperScore from the pop-out.


The table can show columns for:

Payer, SuperScore Percentile, SuperScore Grade, Rates Percentile, Rates Grade, Volume Percentage, Volume Grade, Hassle Factor Percentile, and Hassle Grade.

Super Score Percentile:

Is calculated by the Rates Percentage, Hassle Percentage, and Volume Percentage. The “average” of the three previous factors is scaled by a grade factor.

Rates percent/grade:

The rates grade is a ratio of a payer’s hypothetical volume if it had the same volume as the account’s total volume compared to the account’s total current revenue. Where the revenue per code is equal to the price (as defined by the schedule) times the volume.

Volume percent/grade:

The volume percent and grade are the ratios of a payer's total volume compared to the average payer’s volume.

Hassle percent/grade:

The hassle factor represents how “good” a payer is by averaging 3 factors.

  • How many denials does this payer return vs charges

    • The denial factor is the ratio of how many claims were denied vs how many claims were charged divided by that same ratio for all payers.

  • How quickly do they process/send a remit

    • The velocity is the ratio average time it takes a payer to post a remit vs the average time it takes all payers to post a remit across the account.

  • What are they underpaying

    • The yield factor is roughly the percentage of how much a payer + patient paid vs what Rivet's expected amount divided by that same metric but across all payers in an account

(If any of the three are missing, the hassle factor will be blank)


By selecting the Payer name, Rivet will take you to the individual payer's scorecard. This page will give you a more detailed review of that individual payer.

These details include:

Annual Revenue, Annual Procedures, Denial Rate, Yield, and Average Payment Velocity. As well as breakdowns for each fee schedule and individual codes.

Filters and Columns:

Customize your view by changing the order of the columns and the business unit you are looking at.

To change the business unit:

  • Select the drop-down menu on the left side of the screen

  • Then check or uncheck each box to include the business unit you want to see

To adjust the columns:

  • Select the drop-down box on the right side of the screen called Columns.

  • Check or uncheck the boxes, to control which columns will show up on your table

  • Move the columns by clicking and dragging the three lines in whatever order you want

  • Freeze the columns while scrolling by selecting the pin to hold them into place

You can also control how many lines per table by using the amount filter on the bottom left of the table.

Search and Download:

  • Search for a specific payer by typing their name in the search box

  • Convert the information into a CSV file, by selecting the download button just to the right of the search box.

Overall, SuperScore is a useful tool for comparing payers and gaining insights into their performance. By using SuperScore, you can identify which payers are providing the most value to your practice and which ones may need improvement.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at

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