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Enhancements to Claims and Claims Analytics
Enhancements to Claims and Claims Analytics

Whats new with our latest update to Claims and Claims Analytics.

Updated over 11 months ago

Our latest update to Claims Analytics and the Claims List introduces enhancements to improve your experience and efficiency. These updates include a revised approach to displaying claims, new filtering options for better identification of recovery opportunities, improvements in payment issue visibility, and improved navigation between Claims Analytics and the Claims List.

Here's what's included in this update:

1. Claims Level Revision

The Claims List has been revamped to display each row as a complete claim, rather than individual line items. This change means that when you filter for specific criteria, like a procedure code, the system will show all claims containing line items with that code. Additionally, if multiple payers were billed for the same services, each claim is listed separately.

2. New Recovery Filters

We've introduced a "Contains recovery" filter to make it easier to identify claims with recoveries from denials and underpayments. This includes:

  • Contains Denial Recovery: Identifies claims that were initially denied but later received any payment.

    • Note: A denied claim that is subsequently under or overpaid is considered a denial recovery

  • Contains Variance Recovery: Targets claims that experienced under or overpayments but were later corrected.

3. Expanded Payment Issue Visibility

Payment issues from our underpayment detection tool are now available in claims analytics and the claims list for customers who have subscriptions to our underpayments tool (Payer Performance). These payment issues, along with denials payment issues (including custom denials payment issues), are accessible in the “By payment issue” table and in the Payment issue filter.

4. Interface and Navigation Enhancements

The interface for Claims Analytics has been updated with a collapsible filter design, making applying or removing filters easier. Saved views are now shared between Claims Analytics and the Claims List, so if you created saved views in Claims Analytics, you will now also see them in the Claims List (and vice versa). Saved views created before this update will be migrated to the new update.

For assistance or to learn more about these updates, feel free to contact our support team via chat or email at

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