If you're just getting started in the Rivet Underpayments workflow, be sure to check out this article to get a feel for what you can expect to see and how addressing these underpayments can look for your practice.
If you're looking to optimize your workflow by focusing on specific underpayments, this article provides an overview of the different ways in which you can filter for specific underpayment characteristics. These include the following, some of which are outlined in further detail below.
Filters can be applied by:
Status (Where the underpayment is in the re-adjudication process as seen on the practice end- as mentioned above)
Payer and schedule (Discussed in greater detail in this article mentioned above)
Assignee (Who at your practice is working on the batch/submitted the batch/etc.)
Line item-specific data (Service date, Procedure code, Paid amount, etc.)
Claim-specific data (Other codes featured, patient on the claim)
Filter types (and recommendations)
1) Status
This is discussed at greater length in the Addressing underpayments article, but any/any combination of these boxes can be selected depending on the step(s) of the adjudication process you are most focused on. Simply click on the box to the left of the status type you are interested in and Rivet will sort your underpayments accordingly.
2) Payer and Schedule
One of the use cases for these filters is discussed in the Intro to underpayments article. Essentially, this allows you to view either one (1) or more payers or fee schedules in a specific view.
Once 'Any' is selected, filtering by specific payer(s)/plan type(s) is possible by clicking on the dropdown arrow in the field just below the Any/Not Any field and checking the box or boxes of all payers and products you are currently interested in. You can also search for the plan name and/or payer name by clicking in the 'search' field if desired.
3) Assignee
Selections in this particular dropdown enable you to identify and view underpayments according to the individual(s) assigned to assess these underpayment instances on your team.
Filtering by 'Unknown' will pull up all underpayments that have not yet been assigned to any particular individual.
Selecting 'Known' will filter underpayments according to all underpayments that have been assigned to individuals on your team.
Selecting 'Any' by clicking on the dropdown arrow of this field is very similar to 'Payer and Schedule' listed above, where you can sort these by a particular individual or group of individuals.
From here, a second dropdown field will appear and you can select the individual or individuals whose underpayments assignments you would like to view by clicking on the specific box to the left of the name of interest.
All of the filter options discussed past this point are found under the '+ Add filter' button. (See arrow below). This button- and thus its function- will always be at the bottom of the lefthand side column showing all the filters you currently have in place. Theses various filter options are detailed below.
4) Line item-specific
Possible selection options include
Service date
Procedure code
Procedure modifier
Charged amount
Paid amount
Selecting any of these options will result in another dropdown where you can enter the specific data point (whether specific code(s), date of service, modifiers used, etc.) you are most interested in. If you are just investigating the underpayments workflow and do not have a specific starting point in mind, we recommend using three of the filters shown circled in purple below.
Service date
Once you have selected 'Service date' we recommend clicking in that same dropdown again to select 'On or After'.
A second field will populate, and here we recommend entering the date that will pull up the previous year's worth of line items. Depending on the timely filing window of the payer(s) you are looking at however, you may want to enter a different date range that is more applicable/falls within that timely filing window.
Now that you have selected the date range you are interested in, you can again click on the '+ Add filter' button and select 'Procedure Code'
Procedure Code
Once you've selected the 'Procedure Code' option, you can search and then select the specific code(s) you are interested in.
This same procedure can be used for selecting Procedure modifiers and other line item-specific fields as per your workflow and view preferences.
5) Claim-specific fields
Similar to filter views discussed above, filtering underpayments by 'Other codes' that appear on given claims is possible, as is filtering by Patient(s). Click on the '+ Add filter' button again and make the desired selections. As an example, the resulting view after selecting the 'Patient' filter is shown below
And there you have it! That's a brief overview of the possible filters and filter combinations you can use when looking through the underpayments for your practice.
Provided you have now set all the filters as desired, you can save this view (this link takes you to an article that is specific to the All Rates page, but the procedure is identical) to revisit at a later time if needed.