When assessing underpayments/getting ready to send underpayments to the payer, the Rivet batch feature is extremely useful.
If you want to know how to work through an individual underpayment, please see this article.
To begin, select the claims of interest by (1) checking the boxes to the right of all of the claims of interest
or (2) selecting ALL claims in filter view by checking the box to the left of the table field description (see arrow)
Once you have selected the desired claims, you can then make use of some of the features in the box at the top of the page. These are diagrammed and explained in more detail below.
A. Set status
By clicking on this dropdown, you can change the status to match where it is in your underpayments workflow. Simply drag your mouse over the setting that most closely matches where in your workflow the claims in question are and select the desired status.**
**Once a status has been set, you cannot undo the action. The only way to change a specific status is to set it to another one manually. No changes will occur automatically.
B. Assignee
To change the person assigned to a specific batch of underpayments, click on the person icon to the right of the 'Set status' bar. In this dropdown, you can select an individual (or unassign an individual) as desired. As above, just hover over the preferred user and then click to select.
C. Send underpayments via email
Provided you have an email synced with Rivet, you can use this workflow to send underpayments to your payers.* Batches sent via this method must be sorted and batched according to the payer.
*If you do not have an email synced in Rivet, check out this article or reach out to our team and we can help you set that up. Alternatively, see Part E for other payer send-off options.
Simply click on the email icon, after which the following message will display. Hit 'Submit' and continue.
A pop-up email window will then populate, where you can use the dropdown at the top left (highlighted in purple) to select the practice email you would like to send your underpayments from.
After entering all needed information and verifying that the underpayments are attached to the email body, hit 'Submit'. Rivet will keep a record of the communication that occurs between you and the payer regarding these underpayments in the 'Communication' tab provided your emails are sent from your Rivet account.
D. Add note
After clicking on the pencil icon, an 'Add note' modal will appear. In the text box (outline in purple) any text you add will be applied to the Notes section of each claim. After adding your desired note in the text box, hit 'Submit' in the bottom right corner of the modal. (See arrow) This will apply your note to all selected claims in the batch, and cannot be deleted.
E. Export CSV
Should you be unable to or prefer to send underpayments to payers via other methods- or merely would like a copy for your records- underpayment batches can be downloaded as a CSV. To learn more about exporting data to CSV, please see this article.