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Appointments Table

Setting up your views on the Appointment Table

Updated over 7 months ago

The Appointment table can be used to see your upcoming appointments, or as a list to verify if a patient is eligible for his/her insurance, see what the copays will be and, by using filters, can be used as a worklist to determine which patients still need estimates.

Setting up your appointment view can be done in a variety of ways. Choosing filters to break up the work into simple views is a good place to start. Setting up your view to filter only the appointment types that you are generally creating estimates for is a best practice we recommend. In this example, we are sorting the appointments by appointment type and by the provider.

Appointment By Appointment Type

  1. Click on Estimates

  2. Click on Appointments

  3. Choose the date range for working appointments

  4. Add filters to your list to narrow it down into a manageable worklist

  5. we are filtering by the provider and by appointment type for my view

  6. Click on Select

  7. Select the providers you want to filter for

  8. Click on Add filter

  9. Click on Appointment Types

  10. Select the dropdown

  11. Choose the appointment type

  12. Click on Create new view

  13. Type in "My List"

  14. Click on Save

  15. I have now saved a view I can come back to that will update with the selected filter options as new appointments load into Rivet.

The Appointment table offers a comprehensive overview of upcoming appointments and serves as a valuable tool for verifying patient eligibility and determining copays. By utilizing filters and customizing views to focus on specific appointment types, you can efficiently manage workflow’s and prioritize patients needing estimates. This approach streamlines processes and enhances productivity.

If you have any additional questions about appointment views feel free to chat in or email at

Suggested Next article - Appointments in Rivet

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