Fee Schedule Overview:
Fee schedules are the backbone of rate driven analytics in Rivet. We build out your uniquely contracted rates so that you can make the most accurate estimate of a patient cost or calculate how a claim should be paid. You can view all the information about each fee schedule, or you can click on one to be taken to the fee schedule rates page for each payer. In this article, we will go over:
1. Viewing fee schedules
To navigate to the fee schedule page, select Payer in the upper left hand corner, and then click
Fee Schedules. This will direct you to the fee schedule table.
2. Navigating the Fee Schedule Table
The Fee Schedule Table shows all the fee schedules in your Rivet account. In this section, we will go over what actions can be taken in the table, including Edit, Clone, and Delete.
On the table, you will see the labels for each column of information. You might have to scroll to the right to see all of them.
A couple of things to note are:
Start>The effective date of your fee schedule
Last Modified>The last time someone from your office or Rivet made a change to that schedule
Last Revision> The most recent version date,
3. Filters
There are filters in the Fee Schedule Builder that allow you to see your information in more customizable ways to your workflow. This section will talk about rate type, business unit, and payer filters.
The Current filter allows you to switch between your fee schedules that are Active, Inactive, or both (All).
The Rate Type filter allows you to show rates according to the type of location that the fee schedule applies to, whether that be Professional, Non-Facility, ASC Inpatient Hospital or Outpatient Hospital.
The Business Unit filter separates each fee schedule into the Business Unit (TAX IDs) that they were made for.
You can select multiple at a time, or all of them to compare across Business Units.
The Payer Filter sorts the fee schedules by what payer they were built for.
You can select multiple or all of the payers in the dropdown menu.
The Payer Filter sorts the fee schedules by what payer they were built for.
You can select multiple or all of the payers in the dropdown menu.
At the bottom of the table, you can change how many fee schedules are shown per page, from 25, 50, 100, or 250.
4. Editing Fee Schedules
At the end of each fee schedule line, there is an ellipsis (...) that will open up a menu that will allow you to Edit, Clone, or Delete
By selecting Edit, you will be able to edit things like the name and payer of a fee schedule.
Clone allows you to copy a fee schedule. This is the same as the clone function in the fee schedule builder.
Delete will delete the fee schedule from your Rivet account.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to chat in or send an email to support@rivethealth.com.
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