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Understanding Fee Schedules

Learn how to see edit and adjust fee schedules within Rivet.

Updated over 2 months ago

Rivets loads and builds out the uniquely contracted rates for your fee schedules so we can create accurate patient cost estimates and accurately price claims.

1. Viewing fee schedules

To navigate to the fee schedule page, select "Account Resources" in the upper navigational bar and then click "Fee Schedules." This will direct you to the fee schedule table.

The Fee Schedule Table shows all the fee schedules in the account. Several actions can be taken from the table including Edit, Clone, and Delete.

On the table, you will see the labels for each column of information. You might have to scroll to the right to see all of them.

A couple of things to note are:

  • Start>The effective date of your fee schedule

  • Last Modified>The last time someone from your office or Rivet made a change to that schedule

  • Last Revision> The most recent version date,


There are filters in the Fee Schedule Builder that allow you to see your information in more customizable ways to your workflow.

The Current filter allows you to switch between your fee schedules that are Active, Inactive, or both (All).

The Rate Type filter allows you to show rates according to the type of location that the fee schedule applies to, whether that be Professional, Non-Facility, or ASC.

  • You can choose any combination of rate types to show.

The Business Unit filter separates each fee schedule into the Business Unit (TAX IDs) that they were made for.

  • You can select multiple at a time, or all of them to compare across Business Units.

The Payer Filter sorts the fee schedules by what payer they were built for.

  • You can select multiple or all of the payers in the dropdown menu.

The Payer Filter sorts the fee schedules by what payer they were built for.

  • You can select multiple or all of the payers in the dropdown menu.

2. Fee Schedule Rules

Sometimes, fee schedules need to be adjusted or updated. This is a simple process with the fee schedule rule builder. To edit a fee schedule, go to payer > fee schedule > select a fee schedule > rules tab.

In the rules tab you can add new rules or adjust existing rules in various ways. Each rule will need two pieces configured to calculate rates for a code. Rules apply top to bottom so if you have several rules that apply to the same code the top will apply first. A rate calculation can be set to apply to ANY or ALL of the rules for a particular set of codes so you can have multiple rules configured to be more specific or to be more broad and have multiple ways the rule can be applied.

Pay with: How to calculate the rate

  • CMS baseline %: Percentage of the standard CMS fee schedule rules loaded

  • CMS conversion factor: Load a conversion factor from cms that can be adjusted

  • Fixed Amount: A set amount for a particular code or set of codes

  • Percent of charge: with Estimates a percentage of the chargemaster uploaded to the account or percent of the charge rate on a claim

  • Custom baseline: A file that has been provided from the customer typically a spreadsheet of rates that is uploaded to Rivet

  • Per diem: A form of payment for services in which the provider is paid a daily fee for specific services or outcomes, regardless of the cost of provision. Per diem rates are paid without regard to actual charges and may vary by level of care, such as medical, surgical, intensive care, skilled care, psychiatric, etc. Per diem rates are usually flat all inclusive rates.

  • Per visit: A per-visit hospital reimbursement structure is a payment system in which hospitals are paid a fixed amount for each patient visit, regardless of the services that are provided. This type of reimbursement structure is often used for outpatient visits, such as doctor's appointments and diagnostic tests.

  • Case rate: Flat rate, applied to whole claim, ignoring units.

Apply to: What part of the fee schedule the rule applies to.

  • Code: A list of codes that can be bulk-selected

Additional criteria can be configured:

  • Is any of

  • Is none of

  • Code input: manually enter a code value

    • Is equal to

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

    • Starts with

    • Is empty

    • Is not empty

    • Is between

  • Facility type: choose what facility type this rule applies to

    • Is

    • Is not

    • contains

  • Modifier: typically an additional rule included with code or code input to adjust and apply the calculation only if a modifier is added with the code.

    • Is equal to

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

    • Starts with

    • Is empty

    • Is not empty

    • Is between

  • Revenue code: Defines where services within hospital is being rendered

    • Contains

    • Is none of

    • Is empty

Once the rules are configured for a fee schedule there are a variety of additional adjustments that can be made that apply separately from these rules these can be found by clicking on the adjustments tab in a fee schedule.

3. Fee schedule Adjustments

Adjustments are used to configure specific adjustments for fee schedules such as provider type modifiers and multiple procedure payment reduction. Rivet loads a default configuration for each payer with a standard system rule set but adjustments can be made further to match the details in the contract.

Adjustments can be found by navigating to the adjustments tab on a fee schedule. We will have it broken down into several sections that can be configured for that fee schedule. Adjustments apply to all fee schedule versions.

System Rule Set: A preconfigured set of rules by payer and contract type like Humana Commercial or Humana Medicare Advantage.

Rules: A variety of different rules that can be configured for a fee schedule

  • Incentive pay adjustment

  • Sequestration

  • Rank multiple procedure reduction by allowable or RVU

  • AS, 80, 81, 82, SA modifiers use allowable or fee schedule rate

  • Fee Schedule effective date lag time

  • Exclude codes from provider-type discounts

  • Bill incident: specifies whether Rivet should calculate the expected allowable based on the rendering or supervising provider

  • Wage Index

  • How to apply a lesser of clause

  • Use admission date or discharge date

Modifiers: Percentage adjustments for code modifiers


  • Modifier 50: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 22: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 25: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 52: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 53: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 62: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 66: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 73: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier 74: Adjust percentage

  • Modifier FY: Adjust percentage

Split Care

Mirror CMS: rates for Split care modifiers or specify modifier reductions

  • Modifier 54: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier 55: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier 56: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier 78: Adjust percentage reduction


  • Modifier QX: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier AD: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier QK: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier QY: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier QZ: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Minutes per unit: How Many Minutes are one Anesthesia Unit

  • Rounding: When minutes convert to fractional units, how should rounding work? Input the nearest unit (tenth = 0.1) and whether to round up at 5 (standard) or round up always

  • Modifier P3: Risk modifier units β€” used to indicate physical status during the anesthesia procedure. How many additional units should be added to base

  • Modifier P4: Risk modifier units β€” used to indicate physical status during the anesthesia procedure. How many additional units should be added to base

  • Modifier P5: Risk modifier units β€” used to indicate physical status during the anesthesia procedure. How many additional units should be added to base

Assistant Surgeon

  • Modifier 80: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier 81: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier 82: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier SA: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier AS: Adjust percentage reduction

Physical and occupation therapy assistant

  • Modifier CO: Adjust percentage reduction

  • Modifier CQ: Adjust percentage reduction

Multiple Procedures: Setup the rules for codes that have the same indicator that determines the type of multiple procedure reduction that applies

  • Standard (indicators 1, 2)

  • Imaging (Indicator 4)

  • Therapy (Indicator 5)

  • Cardiology (Indicator 6)

  • Ophthalmology (Indicator 7)

  • Endoscopy (Indicator 3)

Providers: configure provider type adjustments for specific provider credentials

  • Add a reduction percentage for provider-type credentials.

For further assistance, feel free to contact our support team via chat or email at

Suggested Next article - Mapping Fee Schedules

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