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Refreshing Eligibility Checks
Refreshing Eligibility Checks

In this article you will learn how to refresh an eligibility check from inside of an estimate for accuracy.

Updated over a week ago

Estimate Eligibility Check

Inside an estimate, the eligibility will run automatically when you choose a Service Type Code for benefits or, if you have the default option selected, the eligibility will run when you input a CPT code.

Inside the estimate, you can see the eligibility check that was run by looking in the benefits box. If you click the purple “View eligibility” it will open the full check in a new window.

Note- previous eligibility checks will have a date and time stamp to show how recently it was run (see arrow).

To re-run or update the eligibility check being referenced, you can click the 'refresh' icon just to the left of the Insurance plan name (see arrow)

If you want to change the type of benefits being run, you can click on the service type code (STC) and choose from a drop down list.

The STC-30 Health Benefit Plan Coverage will give you the most general benefits.

If you have any additional questions about creating service templates feel free to chat in or email at

Suggested Next article - Bulk Eligibility

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