Business Units Overview
Business Units are how the Rivet platform groups information based on a practice’s federal tax ID (TIN). Often, there is one Business Unit created per TIN. Business Units, however, may also be created for separate entities within a practice or group, which may have different tax ID numbers. Business Units are also assigned a type (Professional, ASC, or Hospital), and may include service locations.
Business Units are used in several areas of Rivet, such as:
Any claim that is received will be tagged to a Business Unit, based on the TIN.
Payer contracts and fee schedules will be grouped by Business Unit.
Reimbursement estimates will be linked to the service locations with a Business Unit.
Most Business Units are set up during the implementation process by a Rivet Implementation Manager. This article will teach you the ins and outs of managing Business Units should you need to make any adjustments. The following instructions will be covered below:
Creating a Business Unit
Adding service locations
Merging Business Units
Creating a Brand
Creating a Business Unit
First, go to the Business Units tab within the Account page. Click on Create Business Unit.
Then, enter all relevant information. Once all information is entered, click Submit.
Note: The “CMS Certification Number (CCN)” applies to only Hospital Business Units. The CCN is the number used to verify a provider’s certification.
Once completed, the Business Unit will look like this:
Adding service locations
After adding a Business Unit, you can add service locations. Service locations are used to identify the expected place of service (i.e., Office, Facility, ASC) for an estimate of reimbursement.
To add a service location, click on “Create service location” within the Business Unit.
Next, enter all relevant information.
The Business Unit and Brand selections will be automatically selected, but can be changed at any time. See instructions further down in this article for more information on Brands.
The place of service will apply to professional services to indicate which type of entity the service location represents.
After all information has been entered, click “Create service location.” The service location should look something like this:
The Locality is automatically generated based on the zip code entered for the service location. For ASC Business Units, the CBSA will show here.
You can create more service locations within the same Business Unit using the same steps. Alternatively, click “Import service locations” to upload locations in an Excel or .CSV file.
Merging Business Units
Sometimes multiple Business Units are created, but in reality, they represent the same entity. If this is the case, you can merge Business Units to ensure that all information tied to that TIN is connected to each other. To do this, click “Merge into another Business Unit” on the Business Unit that you want to be merged into something else.
Next, select the Business Unit that you want to be the remaining Business Unit. Then click Submit.
After merging, only the remaining Business Unit will be shown. To see the merged Business Unit, click “Display merged Business Unit.”
The merged Business Unit will appear like this:
Creating a Brand
On the Business Units page there is also a Brand tab. Brands are used to generate a logo for patient pricing estimates. To create a Brand, click Create Brand.
Enter all relevant information. Selecting a logo requires selecting a file (.png or .jpeg) from your computer. You can leave “Linked SMS number” blank, as that will be created automatically at a later time.
In addition, you will be asked to enter an Estimate disclaimer and Estimate message text. These will be what is sent to patients when they receive estimates from you. The messages can either be generic or unique to your policies and how you want to see it.
After all information is entered, click Create Brand.
If you have any additional questions about Business Units, feel free to chat in or send an email to
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